Portable Generators vs. Standby Generators
When you decide to install a backup generator for your business, you should understand the two main types. There are portable and standby generators. If you are not sure which is best for you, our friendly electricians will be happy to give you a recommendation. The differences between a portable and a standby generator include:
- Portable Generators – This option is less expensive and usually easier to install. A portable generator usually connects directly to your appliances through extension cords. They can be wired directly into a subpanel with the help of a licensed electrician, though. Portable generators cannot be used indoors because they emit carbon monoxide. So, you will likely need to run extension cords from the device to your equipment. Portable generators typically only have between two and four outlets.
- Standby Generators – Standby generators are permanent fixtures installed into your business’s electrical system. They automatically start when the power is interrupted and can provide power to all of the equipment and devices your business requires. Installing a standby generator requires a skilled electrician to hardwire it into your sub panel.
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