When your electricity fails to keep up with your power supply, turn to us. Mr. Electric of Cincinnati East offers home electrical panel upgrades in Cincinnati, OH. The electrical panel manages your home’s electrical flow. When circuits demand too much power, your electrical panel cuts off the circuit breakers' power to prevent system overload. If you have a faulty or aging electrical panel, your home is at risk of fire. We can assess your existing system to determine if you need an upgrade. Contact us today to learn more about our professional electrical panel replacement services.

Faulty Electrical Panels
If your electrical panel is over 25 years old, it’s important to let us inspect it. Older electrical panels can lead to numerous electrical disruptions and are a fire hazard. Some specific We advise updating faulty electrical panels include:
Federal Pacific Electric (FPE) Panel
FPE panels were commonly installed in homes from 1950 until 1980. However, due to design and manufacturing flaws, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission deemed them unsafe.
Zinsco Panel
Zinsco panels haven’t been sold since the 1970s. Their design flaw allows power to flow when breakers are turned off.
Pushmatic Panel
Pushmatic panels were not made with main breaker switches. They have fragile breaker switches that wear down, leading to problems interrupting power flow.
Fuse Boxes
Fuse boxes are outdated systems that were first installed as electrical panels. They can only handle 60 amps, and modern homes need 200 or more amps.
Residential & Commercial Services
Electrical Safety
Learn more Electrical SafetyElevate your electrical safety with our range of services, from inspections to surge protection
Learn more RepairRepairs including lighting and electrical, should be performed by a professional electrician
Learn more InstallationsTrust our professionals for all your installation needs including panel upgrades, EVSE, and more
Learn more LightingFrom ballast & bulb replacement to commercial, bathroom & kitchen lighting, we’ve got you covered

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